Florence Magume, a resident of Mbarara who claims to have lost a sister during the crisis, says that the apologies from the hospital management are not enough.
George Obia, the Lira District Police said the incident occurred when the deceased Buku who was riding a motorcycle registration number UEF 712Y while carrying Kidega made a U-turn in the middle of the road.
The children; Raiden Wasswa and Roman Kato, drowned in a swimming pool at their home yard in Mbalala, Mukono district on Monday. They were buried today at Kapeke Village in Nama Sub County, Mukono district.
Launching the book in Kampala, Phil Clark said a strong notion of distance justice is not only reflected in the geographical location of the court but also in the various ways it operates. He says the Work of the International Criminal Court is also crippling African creativity for dealing with African problems such as conflicts. He cites the failure of the Juba Peace process between the Lord’s Resistance Army and the government of Uganda as one case which could have ended the conflict peacefully.
Musungu argues that the continued stay of junior officers in a position senior as that of senior administrative secretary is a breach of public service regulations.
The telecom regulator was expected to respond to concerns raised by Uganda Human Rights Commission on privacy of individual data, blockage of digital services like internet and other rights violation involving technology and the media.
Robina Nabanja, the Kakumiro Woman MP and a member of the Parliamentary Commission defended the move, saying it is right for the house to pay for the legislators OTT and provide them data since they are doing people’s work on Ipads provided through tax payer’s money.
There were structural hindrances that stopped women in Uganda from owning big businesses as much as men – only 33% of business in Uganda are owned by women
Justice Mukiibi said he will leave the court without a functional mechanism for witness protection in the hands of his deputy Lady Justice Margaret Oguli Oumo who has also been listed by the Judiciary to retire this year.
The event to take place May 18th is expected to feature over 90 golfers from 12 Clubs around Entebbe, Jinja, Tooro, Kitante, Kinyara, Kasese, Kilembe, Kabale among others.
Ali Bbongo Damulira, the Kooki ward representative, said they decided to reconcile with the town clerk because the standoff was affecting service delivery in the town council since council sittings were suspended last month as councilors demanded the Ssentongo’s dismissal.
Ahead of the pilgrims is a giant wooden cross flanked by flag bearing portraits of Naumgongo Martyrs Shrine, St. Joseph’s Cathedral and the Sacred Heart University mounted onto a double cabin pick up registration number UAR 206 G branded with Logos of CARITAS. Also in the lead is another pick up vehicle registration number UAN 962T onto which a public address system has been mounted.
In a letter sent out this morning, Patience Tumusiime Rubagumya, the Acting Commissioner for Customs says “all goods that remain uncleared after 30 days of the first publication of the notice shall be disposed of by way of public auction.”
According to Emmanuel Wamala Ssonzi, the programs director Writing our World, which is a non-governmental organization aimed at promoting writing and debating among the youths, the debate is aimed to creating a platform where learners can express their views on pertinent issues of public interest.
However, the more than 100 in number and led by Thomas Kakuru and Samuel Mwesige Byahurwa are strongly opposed to the resolution and have planned to stage a protest on Monday.
Godfrey Masaba, the OWC Officer in Sironko District, says they received from the office of the Resident District Commissioner indicating that Wadoba connived with the LC III Chairperson to sell off the animal he received a month ago.