Paul Kawombe, Katoogo parish councillor says the victims were allegedly picked by armed security officers who were moving in numberless cars known as drones from the villages of Katoogo, Samuuka, Kisowera, Kabembe and Buntaba in the sub-counties of Nama and Kyampisi.
Busoga United secured their first goal in the 12th Minute of the game after Shaka Ssozi, one of the new players converted a pass giving them a lead over Onduparaka.
The training follows an initiative started by the Ministry of Health in improving accessibility to testing services for purposes of ensuring that all cases are detected and attended to at the earliest stage.
They are now asking the government to change its approach so that their prototyped ideas are transformed into products that can be commercialized onto the Ugandan market.
Enock Nyabongo a lead cotton farmer under Mubuku cotton farmer’s association-MCFA attributes the low prices to the poor seeds that have affected their output. He says the seedlings produce small and tiny balls that do not sprout.
Uganda has rejected the European Parliament resolution taking stock of the human rights violations during and after elections calling it blanket accusations.
According to the police, a speeding taxi number UBB 423R heading to Mubende from Kampala rammed into a Mercedes Benz trailer number KBK 813S/ ZB9681 which had been parked on the side of the road.
Julius Nyeko, the Pader District Senior Land Officer says that the fresh demarcation will begin in three weeks. Nyeko maintained that the land in question measuring about 105,400 hectares was erroneously leased out by the Uganda Livestock Industries to private companies and individuals.
The Chief Warden of Uganda Wild Life Authority in charge of Mt. Elgon which covers up to Karamoja Chris Kiiza said the tourists who will be travelling from Moroto to Kidepo National Game Park will now have a stopover to see the paintings.
The election final tally sheet shows that Tumukunde won Entebbe Comprehensive Secondary School [A-BUS] with 371 votes representing 62 per cent of the total votes cast and Kawafu Namagembe's Place (NAM-Z) with 454 votes representing 51 per cent of the total votes cast.
The accident happened on Friday at 12 pm when a fuel truck that was heading to Kasese district had a head-on collision with a Canter vehicle that was carrying bananas at Kasunganyanja trading centre in Kibiito Sub County, Bunyangabu district.
Craft Villages across the city remain abandoned with little or no customers at all. They are filled with baskets, mats, fabrics, carvings, shoes, bracelets, beads, earrings, bangles, batiks and paintings, hand made drums, musical instruments, among other items, which used to attract the attention of tourists as they sought souvenirs and gifts upon visiting Uganda.
According to eye witness, the truck was heading to Kasese and it had a head-on collision with a Canter vehicle that was carrying Bananas and heading to Fort Portal Tourism City.
Tiheinomwgiire, a receptionist at BFM Radio Station in Bushenyi Municipality is accused of allegedly stabbing to death his longtime boyfriend Allan Mandela Mateeka also known as Sports Master Mateeka.
The mothers say they only have one health center III in Bushiyi Sub County which is far away from their homes. This has forced them to abandon antenatal services.
The Airline carried 77,355 passengers for the year ended June 2020, registering a shortfall of 10 per cent from its target of 85,760 passengers. This also meant that predicted income of 31.5 billion Shillings was not attained, and instead, the airline generated 25.2 billion Shillings. However, the airline made an additional 14.8 billion Shillings from 26,394 passengers at the end of December 2020.