

Feb 114 results

Local Leaders, Farmers Want Uganda Food Security Strategy to Regulate Prices and Protect Women 5 1 Top story

Justine Okello, a framer from Agago district argues that the only opportunity to improve profitability is availability of quality seeds and ready market for farm produce.

Rural Women Reaping Big from Wetland Regeneration 7 1

Ketty Apili, a resident of Awiealem village, Orit parish, in Agweng sub-county is among the community monitors who have since stopped encroaching on the wetland and now farming on the upland.

Community Based Animators Get Bicycles to Combat Food Insecurity CARITAS 5 2

CBAs are comprised of both Christians and Muslims who train farmers in basic agricultural practices, climate science, environmental protection, and others. Each CBA is working with two out of the 210 farmer groups.

Maize Milling Factory Excites Farmers in Lira 5

The 1 billion Shilling factory has a capacity to grind 25 tons of maize every day.

NAADS Distributes 76 Tons of Sunflower Seeds in Northern Uganda 7 2

Over time, oil seed producers have raised concerns about the steep price of planting materials.

Counterfeit Seeds Impounded in Lira City 6 1

Patrick Alip, the Lira District Agricultural Officer said his office has received a number of complaints from farmers who said the maize seeds they were buying are not yielding.

Farmers Decry High Intrest Rates on Bank Loans 6

Several farmers who have now formed an association; Lira City Farmers’ Adoption Group argue that although many commercial banks are rallying them to go for loans to boost their commercial farming, the interest rates imposed on the loans makes it hard for them to pay back.

Community Based Facilitators Protest Delayed Payment 4

Ruth Akullo, whose two-year contract under the project expired in December last year explained that they opted to lock the gate as a way of expressing their dissatisfaction with the way the matter was being handled by the accountant and project focal person.

Over 100 Receive Agri-Business Skills, Financial Boost AVSI Foundation 6

Isaac Olet an 'O'level school dropout is currently dealing in produce buying and selling as well as supply of seeds to farmers across the two sub regions. THis is a result of the agri- business skills and other support he received during the training.

Ngetta ZARDI Fails to Produce Quality Seeds 4 1

Samuel Mugasi, the Executive Director of National Agricultural Advisory Services advocates for more funding for NARO and its sister organizations like the ZARDIs across the country, saying limited funding affects operations.

Counterfeit Seeds, Poor Management Affecting Farmer’s Cooperatives 7

Denis Ogwok, the Secretary Manager for Wiodyek Oil Seed Farmers’ Area Cooperative Enterprise argued that the problem of counterfeit seeds must be addressed if the cooperatives are to develop and maximize profits.

Religious, Cultural Institutions and NGOs Join Forces to Fight Climate Change 6 1

Patrick Abal, the Minister for Culture, Heritage, and Tourism under Lango Cultural Foundation, says that the cultural institution has a plan to plant five acres of trees in every district. The institution also entered a partnership with the Busoga Kingdom to plant trees along the shores of Lake Kwania, Kyoga, and the Nile River.

Government Distributes Seeds to Boost Oil Seed Production in Northern Uganda 6

Dr. Charles Aben, the in charge Crop Development at NAADS Secretariat explains that the distribution of oil seeds is in line with government’s plans to boost oil seed production and increase local production of vegetable oil in Northern Uganda.

Lango MPs Petition President Museveni to Revive Lira Spinning Mill 3

Cecilia Atim Ogwal, the Dokolo District Woman MP reminded the president that cotton is not a mere textile source as he might consider, arguing that from cotton, oil and cotton seed cake can be extracted for export which can improve the Gross Domestic Product of the country.

Continuous Spraying of Crops Affecting Bee Production in Lango beekeeping 5 1

Such spraying was in 2020 when desert locusts invaded the Districts of Otuke and Alebtong. Earlier, farmers in Lira, Kole and Oyam had sprayed crops to control fall armyworms. All these, the beekeepers say does not provide a conducive environment for bees to produce honey.

Maize Millers in Lira Given Three Weeks to Register Their Business 5 1

During the meeting, Ronald Ahimbisibwe, the Principal Certification Officer and Head Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development at UNBS explained they briefed the association leaders early this year on the requirements and they were expected to send the message to their members.

Karamoja Leaders Seeks Regional Solution to Cattle Rustling mindset change 7 1 Top story

Feddal Fitsum, the Advisor Justice and Peace Commission explained that the visit was triggered by issues raised at community dialogues with the hope of finding a lasting solution to conflicts in Karamoja sub-region.

Residents Vandalize Ngetta ZARDI Irrigation Scheme 3

Dr Laban Frank Turyagenda, the Director of Research at the institute says that the chain link surrounding the fish pond was also destroyed by unknown people.

45 Groups Get UGX 195M Under NUSAF III in Lira City NUSAF III project 7

George Ayo Ogwal, the NUSAF Desk Officer for Lira District Local Government explained that the groups received varied amounts of money depending on the number smaller groups under them.

Lira City Butchers Hike Meat Prices Citing Scarcity of Animals Lira Main Market 4 1

Emmanuel Watmon, the Chief Executive Officer 911 Restaurant, says that the increase in the price of meat has affected the price of food, which is eventually affecting the turn-up of customers.
Feb 114 results