

Feb 23 results

Gov't Starts Camel Breeding in Aswa Ranch Amid Queries from Leaders 1 4

Tushabomwe says the government intends to multiply the camels in the next one and half years for milk production since its milk is highly nutritious, lactose-free and has a ready market within East Africa and the Arab Countries.

Pader Leaders Want Nusaf Official Investigated over Corruption Allegations NUSAF3

Pajule Sub-County Chairperson, Brilliant Tito Okello told URN in an interview that Too-Olanya has been flouting the guidelines of NUSAF in the district this jeopardizing its implementation.

Heavy Rains Destroy Crops in Pader flood waters 2 6

Scovia Adokorach, a farmer in Bar Ayom village in Ogole Parish, Lapul Sub County says that nearly ten of their family gardens have all been flooded following heavy rains that started falling last month.

Gulu Archdiocese Launches Commercial Cassava Growing in Northern Uganda 2 2

Fr Mathew Okun Lagoro, the chairperson organizing committee for the project launch told URN in an interview Thursday that a total of 10,000 farmers have been mobilized to grow cassava in Pader district.

Pader Residents Protest Return Of Herdsmen President Museveni 2 2

Simon Omara, a resident in Alim Village says that hundreds of long-horned cattle were over the weekend clandestinely brought at night to their area by the herdsman.

6900 Farmers in Pader Stuck With Cassava Due to Market Scarcity Yoweri Museveni 4

Father Mathew Okun Lagoro, the Chairperson Acholi Bur Parish disclosed that because of the short life span of the cassavas they were forced to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with Bukoona Agro Processing Industry Limited on May 5th 2019 to buy the cassavas before it rots in the garden.

Floods Submerge Villages In Pader 2

Nicholas Amone the LCI Lubala village says 120 households have been affected with over 500 acres of food crops including cassava, beans Sorghum destroyed by the floods.

Farmers Count Losses in Pader As Hailstorm Ravages Gardens Pader district 4 1

Brilliant Tito Okello, the Pajule Sub-county LC3 Chairperson says that 100 homesteads in his area have lost their crops.

Pader Struggles to Reverse Ownership of Aswa Ranch 1 4

Godfrey Largo Oringa, the Pader district LC 5 Chairperson says the disputed ranch is being controversially encroached into by a section of local investors who are diverting away from the original purpose for which the ranch was given.

Food Shortage Hits Pader District 1 2

Philip Odong, a farmer in Laguti Sub County attributes the acute food shortage to floods that swept across the district in May and June. He explains that the floods destroyed his two acres of staple cassava gardens including beans.

East Acholi Cooperative Union in Bitter Land Row 3

The contested land with its boundaries extending into Latanya Sub County in Pader district measures 50 square miles. It was purportedly bought from 39 individuals in Lagoro, Kitgum and 63 others in Wol Sub County in present day Agago around 1968.

Strange Disease Attacks Animals in Pader District 4 1

The signs are similar to those of Foot and Mouth Disease. However, Pader district authorities have not made a pronouncement of such an outbreak. The plague has also devastated Atanga, Lapul, Latanya and Agangura sub counties among others.

Furious Residents Block Impassable Road in Pader 1

The residents were led Pajule Sub County Councilor Godfrey Ocaya who accuses the district authorities of taking too long to work on the road, which has hindered public transport in the area.

Pader Farmers Panic as Armyworm Invade Maize Gardens fall armyworm 1

The Pader District Agriculture Officer, Peter Odongkara has confirmed receiving reports about the army worm invasion and floods from different sub counties. He however, says they are yet to determine the extent of the damage caused.

Pader LC5 Chairperson Snubs State House Summons okello house 1

The Pader district LC5 Chairperson has been bluntly criticizing the controversial ownership of contested Aswa Ranch located in Angagura Sub-County by National Animal Genetic Resources Centre NAGRIC and the influx of Balaalo herdsmen in the area.

Pader Women Nabbed for Misusing Mosquito Nets

Albert Onyango, the Agago District Police Commander, says the women were using 22 new long lasting insecticide treated mosquito nets distributed by the Health Ministry to trap fish in the stream.

Acholi Leaders Want Aswa Ranch Restocking Exercise Suspended 2

Martin Ojara Mapenduzi, the Gulu district LC V chairperson who also doubles as the coordinator Acholi chairpersons accuses government of sidelining the Pader district local government, local farmers and Veterinary officers.

Pader Suspends Cattle Restocking Due to Quarantine. 2 1

The program was suspended in September after the agriculture ministry imposed quarantine on the district following an outbreak of deadly foot and mouth disease.

Government Restocks Aswa Ranch 1 4

Samuel Oduny, a local elder says the ranch has a fully equipped institute of Agriculture for training agronomists and veterinary doctors.

Pader District Suspends Restocking Programme Citing Logistic Challenges 1

JHe says up to 31 million shillings required for the exercise is locked up in the system.
Feb 23 results