The crop losses in the district over the years had stood at 40% according to records from the production department, but the losses dropped to 32% in the 2024 farming season with innovations for farmers.
Speaking at the event, Stephen David Mugabi, the Director Environment Affairs at the Ministry of Environment says the gazette is an instrument that will help the government inform the public of the precise location of every wetland.
Joyce Alimo, Gulu City Environment Officer told the press Wednesday that the redemarcation exercise will kick off on Thursday and will be implemented by a team from the Ministry of Water and Environment.
The State Minister for Northern Uganda Grace Freedom Kwiyocwiny said the eviction task force has learned that some cattle owners in Gulu, relocate their animals to Lamwo during the day and return at night to dodge eviction.
Speaking at the project launch in Gulu City, Edward Khaukha, the World Vision Uganda Regional Programme Manager for Northern/Karamoja Region says the FMNR project seeks to promote the conservation of natural tree cover by farmers.
Acholi Paramount Chief David Onen Acana II acknowledges that the region is experiencing severe impacts of climate change which has affected agriculture and notes that through the adoption of green technology, such adverse effects can be reversed.
Robert Balinda Akankwasa of M/S Intrepid Recovery Associates Ltd announced that they had reached an agreement with NFA to auction the charcoal through public auctioning, with each bag being priced at Shillings 25,000. The auctioneer will receive 3% of the total sales and 900,000 Shillings for media advertising expenses after the final sale.
Gilbert Okwir, the Deputy Resident City Commissioner in charge of Bardege-Layibi City Division notes that no work will be allowed at the site until the purported landowner comes up with an approved building plan from the city of National Environment Management Authority (NEMA).
On Friday, our reporter visited the site and found most of the charcoal bags torn due to long exposure to the sun and rain leaving the charcoal exposed.
Joseph Odong, a Senior Water Officer at the Ministry of Water and Environment told Uganda Radio Network in an interview that the walk is instrumental in drumming up support towards saving river Nile.
Olanya, who holds a Diploma in Mechanization in Agriculture from Busitema University, has established a maggot production farm in the backyard of his half-acre piece of land.
In an interview with Uganda Radio Network, Dr. Achilles Brunnel Byaruhanga, a Herpetologist and Principal Investigator with Nature Uganda, expressed his concern about the lack of data in the North. He explains that the absence of proper studies and conservation efforts puts these amphibian and reptilian species at risk of extinction.
Nyipir told the court on Thursday that the level of environmental destruction fueled by the growing commercial charcoal trade in the region is at an alarming level and needed a tougher sentence if the vice is to stop.
In his ruling on Wednesday evening, Barigye ordered NFA to dispose of the impounded charcoal through auctioning and deposit the proceeds in the consolidated fund.
‘’We can fight the charcoal burners, we can stop the lorries but we must also plant trees, the two go hand in hand. We are going to draft tough by-laws for every affected sub-county under the presidential executive order, I have talked with the attorney general.’’ -Norbert Mao.
They were charged with two counts of illegal transportation of forest produce contrary to sections 32 (1), (a), and sections 34 (1) & (2) of the National Forestry and Tree Planting Act 2003. The other charge is the illegal transportation and trade in Forest products (charcoal) contrary to Executive Order No 3 issued by President Yoweri Museveni on May 19 this year.
Solomon Nokrach, the Regional Coordinator of FOWODE in Acholi, highlighted environmental degradation as the most pressing issue in the sub-region. This includes concerns related to charcoal burning and illegal logging.
Otto surrendered himself to the Aswa River Region Police Headquarters in Gulu City on Monday morning, and after hours of recording statements, he was released on police bond.