

Oct 2014 3 results

Founders: Indian Association Uganda Has No Stake in Hill Road Public School land disputes 1

In a telephone interview from United States of America, Dr. Ansu, who studied from Hill Road Public school, says the Indian Association has no stake in the school

Agago Councillor Thrown Out Of Committee Meeting For Indiscipline

A district council representative in Agago district was on Tuesday suspended from attending production committee meeting, to which he is a member. The suspension of Denis Ojoma Tabu, the Adilang Sub County Councilor, stems from an indiscipline case he committed against Oweka John Bostify, the district speaker during a full council sitting on August 26th.

CSOs Press For New Design Of PRDP 6

A new debate has ensued among Civil Society Organizations in post Conflict Northern Uganda over the design of the third phase of the Peace Recovery and Development Plan (PRDP-3). The first five years of the plan focused more on development of roads, schools, health centres, and clean and safe water sources among others.
Oct 2014 3 results