Police spokesperson Asan Kasingye has denied reports that the 13 suspects in the brutal murder of Andrew Felix Kaweesi were tortured while in custody at the Nalufenya Special Investigations Centre.
General Elly Tumwine, one of the most senior army officers, has supported the re-appointment of General Kale Kayihura as Police Chief saying the appointing authority is in better position to gauge his performance. President Museveni in a March 14th letter asked the Parliamentary Appointments Committee to approve three-year contract extensions for General Kayihura and his deputy, Assistant Inspector General of Police Okoth Ochola.
The Witness said he served as an intelligence officer in the Sinia Brigade that Dominic Ongwen commanded. He said the brigade had an estimated strength of 250 to 300 male fighters and 130 to 150 abducted women and girls, some as young as 14 years old.