The head of Unit, David Kalemera, says the unit is there to work with URA to enhance professionalism, integrity and efficiency in tax administration, contrary to public opinion of usurping the revenue body's powers.
Ronald Mutumba, the Vice President of ICPAU, says they launched the Master Classes to support such accountants to easily meet the required terms, and align with the Ugandan industry because they already have all the necessary knowledge, skills, and qualifications.
The August 2024 candidates performed worse at a 30 percent pass rate, compared to 32.9 percent registered for the August 2023 diet.
URC says the procurement process for the contractor for the next project is on, but that for the physical works to start, it will depend on how quickly the issue of encroachers is handled especially on the Kampala-Kyengera line which is heavily encroached.
Under the plan, a new initiative dubbed "Real-time Audit, has been created to examine taxpayers' transactions in real time, and where irregularities are detected, prompt alerts will be sent to the taxpayer on how to address the said issue.
Uganda's budget transparency score is 59 according to the Open Budget Survey 2023, but perform poorly on public involvement, at 15 on a scale of zero to 100.
The former Finance Minister of Finance, and past Makerere University Chancellor says he was the brainchild of the PDM 18 years ago but it was shelved until recently, and that now it is being rushed
By the year 2030, it is envisaged, Uganda will valued at 100 billion dollars in GDP terms, according to the 2025/2026 National Budget Strategy.
The government forecasts that by then, 885,000 jobs will be created annually
Many say that while there are some aspects that were either omitted or not comprehensively catered for in the Law, there are also new and emerging issues related to investment that need to address in the Act.
The IMF Directors also noted the need for continued revenue‑based fiscal consolidation, improved expenditure discipline, and a prudent fiscal management framework to ensure effective use of oil revenues once production begins.
This was mainly because the regulator revised upwards the minimum capital requirements for each category of the regulated financial institutions, to ensure only strong-enough players are in the sector
Speaking at the launch of these findings, Prof Florence Muhanguzi a lecturer at the Makerere University School of Gender Studies said this social model which involves promoting women’s economic empowerment by among others engaging men and local leaders to challenge entrenched traditional beliefs was found to increase the time women spent in doing paid activities.
UHOA Chairperson, Susan Muhwezi, called the current tax regime unfavourable for the private sector, singling out tourism, in which she said, operators pay up to 27 licenses and taxes, including Corporation Tax, Withholding Tax, VAT, Local Service Tax, Property Tax, Ground Rates, Local Hotel Tax and Local Government Tax.
There was renewed excitement in Kampala on Tuesday after the management of the store led by Daniel Akwanget announced that they would reopen on Wednesday, after improving security measures there.
While the catchwords of the store “Cheaper. Satisfaction. Quality” stand out prominently, some shoppers were skeptical about the quality, a major characteristic that Ugandans attach to products made in China.
"The Ministry of Finance and URA have a feeling that we don't want to pay taxes, yet we are very willing as long as we know what our taxes are doing and that there is value for money," Ms Muhwezi said.
This comes as Uganda commences her journey towards becoming a 500 billion-dollar economy in 15 years, a feat that would be achieved by a stable economic growth rate averaging at least 10 percent per year.
In doing this, the government is seeking to implement and enforce a 2015 policy that was made with the aim of improving the quality of grain, Uganda's most locally consumed and exported commodity
The EU Deforestation Regulations (EUDR) direct that imports (of about 600 commodities) should bear fruit that they have not been produced after violation of laws, policies, and policies like environmental degradation, child labor, and land grabbing.