

Sep 2017 9 results

Court Cancels Kusemererwa Appointment as NDA Boss nda workers unhappy 1 Top story

The High Court in Kampala has cancelled the appointment of Donna Asiimwe Kusemererwa as the new Executive Director of National Drug Authority NDA. Justice Stephen Musota nullified the appointment on grounds that the position is non-existent. This means that Kusemererwa, a Pharmaceutical Management Expert who had been appointed in January 2016, ceases to act as the Executive Director.

Schools Not Offering Quality Education - Ministry education standards 4 1

Kedrace Turyagenda, Director Education Standards, says that today in an era where government is trying to promote literacy among all Ugandans, the quality of education has reduced because more emphasis has been put on passing exams.

Court Reinstates Sacked NDA Official nda workers unhappy 1

On March 16, 2017, Kusemererwa reviewed and appraised Nakachwas performance without inviting her to respond to any queries.

Age Limit: Opposition MPs React to NRM Move president museveni 6

Several Members of Parliament have expressed mixed views hours after their colleagues in the National Resistance Movement NRM endorsed a proposal to have presidential age limits removed from the constitution.

Social Security Payments Now Accepted Through Mobile Money nssf uganda 1

NSSF Uganda Managing Director Richard Byarugaba said that the platform will ease the payment process for both voluntary contributors and established entities, especially those that remit less than 4 million Shillings in social security contributions per month.

NRM MPs Endorse Age Limit Removal 2 1 Top story

During a party caucus consultative meeting held today at Parliament Conference Hall, 245 MPs agreed to table a Private Members Bill in parliament seeking to amend Article 102b of the 1995 Constitution. Kumi Woman MP Monica Amoding was the only dissenting voice.

Jamafest Events Remain Low-key 3 1

With the theme Culture and the Creative Industries: the Engine for Unity and Employment Creation, the event has the main stage for cultural performances at Kololo Ceremonial Grounds. It is also where the exhibition and market place have been placed. Despite this, there remains low turn as several exhibitors attend their stalls with hardly any visitors.

Makerere Promotes Waragi as Clean Cooking Energy kakira sugar works 1 2

Scientists at Makerere University say crude waragi distilled in almost every part of the country could serve as a cheaper, sustainable clean cooking energy if home brewers were given better technologies of producing it.

Museveni Assures MPs on Mubende Artisanal Miners 2

Michael Bukenya, the Bukuya Member of parliament, says the artisanal gold miners might return to the mines within two months following their discussions with Museveni.
Sep 2017 9 results