

Feb 2366 results

Staffing Gap Affecting Service Delivery in Local Government 7

In Kalaki, key positions such as District Engineer, District Education Officer, District Health Officer, and District Planner are vacant. District Speaker Immaculate Ilado Uhuru mentioned that although caretakers are in place, some are not qualified for their roles.

Local Leaders, Farmers Want Uganda Food Security Strategy to Regulate Prices and Protect Women 5 1 Top story

Justine Okello, a framer from Agago district argues that the only opportunity to improve profitability is availability of quality seeds and ready market for farm produce.

Lango Cultural Foundation Sets Date for Electing New Leader 4 1

Col. Dan Opito Odwe, the chairperson of the Lango Cultural Foundation Electoral Commission released the roadmap during a press briefing on Wednesday. According to the road map, nominations will be held between Friday 13th to Saturday 14th September.

Police Appeals for Community Support in Prosecuting Defilement Cases sexual relation 7

Jimmy Patrick Okema, the North Kyoga Regional Police Spokesperson, says that parents concentrate more in drinking alcohol and neglect their roles in bringing up their children leaving them exposed to “sexual predators.”

Labour Export Company in Lira Tasked to Refund UGX 700m to Job Seekers 7 3

Yosa Jafari, the General Manager Arova Reality Limited explained that since 2022, the company has been refunding people with clear proof of payment.

Four Clan Chiefs Seek to Replace Lango Paramount Chief 4

They include Dr Richard Nam from the Okii-amat clan, Patrick Abal, the Awitong of the Arak Ongoda clan, Dickson Ogwang Okul, the Awitong of Pala Ocol clan and Benjamin Okii, the Awitong of the Okiibura clan.

Rural Women Reaping Big from Wetland Regeneration 1 7

Ketty Apili, a resident of Awiealem village, Orit parish, in Agweng sub-county is among the community monitors who have since stopped encroaching on the wetland and now farming on the upland.

Lango Cultural Foundation Demands Independent Mediators 6 1

Ambassador Dickson Ogwang Okul, the Foreign Affairs Minister and chief of the Pala Ocol Clan, said he has no respect for an “illegal” entity. Adding that “I did not necessarily boycott the council meeting. There was no council meeting for me to go to because I do not respect that council as existing.”

NDA Impounds Drugs Worth UGX 54.7M 4 1

The drugs were impounded during an operation conducted in districts in Northern Uganda and at the Busia and Malaba border points.

Lango Paramount Chief Appoints New Electoral Commission Members 4 1

The five-member commission will be chaired by the deputy Awitong of the Inomo clan Col. Rt. Dan Opito Odwe

12-Year-Old Foots To Namugongo From Lira, Wants Minister Obua's Seat 7 2 Top story

Zadock Obonyo, a 12-year-old pilgrim from Alanyi Catholic parish in Ajuri county dreams to replace Hon. Denis Hanson Obua, the Government Chief Whip who is also his area member of Parliament from his seat.

Veteran Radio Personality Seeks UGX 120M for Kidney Transplant, Appeals to Speaker for Help 3 7 Top story

Married with three children, Gideon is currently being dialyzed twice a week as the family looks for the needed funds for his transplant. He believes that the speaker of parliament can save his life, especially after witnessing her generous donations to other people.

Inadequate Information, Exorbitant Survey Charges Affecting Land Ownership By Women 8

During a multi-stakeholder engagement meeting held in Lira City, participants especially women cited the lack of information among community members and the high cost incurred during land survey as major challenges affecting land titling in their areas.

Ministers Irked by Mismanagement of Barlonyo Massacre Site 6 2

In 2019, the Ministry of Tourism committed to upgrading the site into a tourism destination. However, the site has been turned into a market by vendors displaying their merchandise on the monument. The site ground also has turned into a grazing area for domestic animals.

Lango Diocese Applauds Cecilia Ogwal For Constructing Churches 1 4

During a church service at St Augustine Barogole on Lira City, Bishop Professor Alfred Olwa of Lango Diocese informed mourners of how Atat Cecilia actively participated and supported construction of permanent churches and training of lay leaders in all spheres.

Lango Reacts to Atim Ogwal's Death 4 1

Hon. Joy Atim Ongom, who served with Ogwal in the 9th and 10th Parliament described her as an encyclopedia from which most politicians learnt politics. Adding that she commanded respect for her knowledge.

Voluntary Surrender of Fraudulent Land Titles Starts in Lira 4

In March 2022, the unit launched investigations of the acquisition of land in Lira City following the arrest of a senior public servant who was found transporting vital land documents to an unknown location.

Activists Receive Threats Over Akiibua Stadium Construction 4

“What do you want, why are you disturbing government” reads a message from an anonymus number sent to Hon. Ishaa Otto Amiza, the former Oyam South Member of Parliament who is also the Team Lead of Activists for Akiibua Stadium.

Community Based Animators Get Bicycles to Combat Food Insecurity CARITAS 5 2

CBAs are comprised of both Christians and Muslims who train farmers in basic agricultural practices, climate science, environmental protection, and others. Each CBA is working with two out of the 210 farmer groups.
Feb 2366 results