

Aug 2021 3 results

Johnson’s Imbokodo HIV Vaccine Trial In Africa Fails AVAC 1 Top story

Johnson & Johnson and partners today announced that the Imbokodo study or the HVTN 705/ HPX2008, did not significantly reduce the overall risk of HIV acquisition among over 2,600 women.

Two Million Children in Uganda Susceptible to Polio - MOH 1 1

According to health ministry officials, over two million children have never received a polio vaccine while around 4.7 million are protected against Polio Type 1 and 3 but not type 2 which is believed to be circulating in the country.

COVID-19: Only 264,402 Ugandans Fully Vaccinated 1 Top story

Records from the Health Ministry show that as of last week, only 43,957 health workers, 47,148 security officers and 61,848 teachers out of the targeted 150,000, 250,000 and 550,000 targeted categories of individuals respectively were fully vaccinated. In addition to this, 56,912 persons aged 50 and above and 6,373 people living with co-morbidities are also fully vaccinated.
Aug 2021 3 results