Oboth said every country should focus on securing the market for its defence and security products because the 450 million population in the region is more than enough to consume such merchandise.
Dr. Jerry Bagaya, the Gulu University Academic Registrar in an April 4 circular noted that the second-semester examination has been rescheduled to start on April 22 and end on May 7 this year.
Doctor Innocent Nkonwa the Luwero District Health Officer said that health workers were blocked from vaccinating learners in ten schools and these have been forwarded to the District Security Committee to summon the headteachers to explain why they are resisting the government programme.
The thugs have said they move in groups of three to five people especially in early or late hours of the morning or evening purposely to provide security for each other. Groups are mostly deployed at Northern Bypass, Bwaise and Bombo road while places in Kawaala, and Kavule they move individually or in pairs.
According to the Stanbic Bank PMI, there was an overall decline in the business environment driven by renewed contractions in output and new orders, as customer demand was reportedly hampered by less money in circulation and reduced purchasing power.
Preliminary police reports indicate that the two toddlers drowned on Wednesday in a pit that was reportedly dug by Omirambe, following a heavy downpour in the area.
Michael Mulindwa Nakumusana, the Chairperson for Nyendo-Mukungwe division indicates that despite the presence of government-aided secondary schools in the area, many children from low-income families can hardly afford them, hence failing to complete the education cycle.
Kasaija was speaking at the opening ceremony of goldmine Finance branch at Kabalagala
he pointed out that most banks and money lending institutions only mind about collecting from customers and not minding about the progress of the businesses of their customers.
Over the past years, residents along the disputed border areas of Uganda-South Sudan have grappled with invasions by armed assailants from South Sudan into Uganda, especially in Oraba Town Council in Koboko District and Kerwa, Kochi, Midigo Sub-Counties in Yumbe District.
Gen Mbadi, who until recently served as the Commander of the Defense Forces, said that despite the vital role that the UNBS should play in maintaining market standards for both domestic and export goods, the institution seems to be trapped in corruption, disorder, and incompetence.
The Programme will target youth from the entire Karamoja region with a focus on Moroto, Nakapiripirit, and Kotido Districts. It will also achieve gender equity by targeting 50 percent girls and 50 percent boys.