

Sep 9 results

Karamoja Leaders Mourn Simon Peter Aleper as Instrumental Leader 5 1

Leaders who shared their last moments with him before his death said his last trip to Moroto was to mediate the dialogue between the people of Tepeth County and Tororo Cement Factory over investment.

Appointment of Karamoja Ministers Sparks Mixed Reactions 5 1 Top story

Rt Rev Joseph Abura, the Bishop of Karamoja diocese, emphasized the importance of the new minister's plans for transforming the region and urged him to work towards regaining the trust of the Karamojong people.

UBOS Rolls Out Mapping Exercise in Karamoja Karamoja sub-region 4 1

A team from UBOS has been deployed across all nine districts of Karamoja to capture the details of administrative units, household heads, physical features, and institutions such as health facilities, schools, and churches among others.

Dropping Iron Sheets Case Shocks, Divides Karamoja Leaders 1 5

DPP closed 17 case files of officials implicated in the iron sheets scandal over lack of evidence. The exonerated include Vice President Jessica Alupo, Prime Minister Robina Nabanja, Parliament Speaker Anita Among and Finance Minister Matia Kasaija.

Karamoja District Chairpersons Demand Minister's Resignation over Iron Sheets Scandal Reformed warriors 5 1

Minister Mary Gorreti Kitutu is on the spot for allegedly diverting iron sheets that were procured to support the vulnerable groups, Interest groups, Institutions and Reformed Warriors in Karamoja Region. The iron sheets were instead found in the home of the minister's mother during an operation mounted by the Internal Security Organisation (ISO), the Police and the State House Anti-Corruption Unit in Namisindwa district.

Karamoja LC V Chairpersons Boycott Iron Sheets Distribution karamoja subregion 5 1

David Koryang, the LC V chairperson for Moroto district noted that it is ineffective to give district chairpersons only 500 iron sheets for the entire district, and MPs who cover small constituencies are given more. However the decision for the members of parliament to be part of the distribution exercise has angered the district chairpersons who fear that the donation may not reach the intended beneficiaries.

OPM Officials Accused of Holding Karamoja Bus Elders in karamoja 1 2

Simon Nangiro, the chairperson for Karamoja Elders Association, says that the bus was intended to transport them to peace meetings and the delayed delivery has frustrated their movements for peace dialogues.

EU Envoys Query Security Situation in Karamoja EU Ambassadors 1 6 Top story

EU ambassadors have pitched camp in Karamoja on a five-day joint mission where they held several meetings on security, education, environmental management, wildlife protection, tourism, teenage pregnancies and mining.

Karamoja MPs Protest Appointment of Nandutu, Kitutu As Ministers cabinet 1 3 Top story

Members of Parliament from the Karamoja region have protested the appointments of Maria Goretti Kitutu and Agnes Nandutu as Ministers in charge of Karamoja.
Sep 9 results