

Sep 4 results

Kisubi Seminary kicks off Platinum Celebrations Kampala Archdiocese 7

The late Archbishop Joseph Cabana, a Canadian missionary started the seminary seventy-three years ago for the Church to produce indigenous ministers.

10 Gogonya Sisters Take Perpetual Vows Church 3

The sisters in their vows committed themselves to live a life of chastity, poverty and obedience. In an expression of total submission, the sisters prostrated as the clergy and congregation prayed for them to live to their calling.

Lubaga Cathedral to host Special Mass for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI Kampala Archdiocese 3 2

Pope Benedict XVI, born Joseph Ratzinger died on Saturday aged 95 at the Mater Ecclesiae Monastery. In the aftermath, the Vatican Press office announced that a funeral mass would be held on January 5, 2023, ahead of burial at the Vatican Crypt. The body now lies in state at St Peter’s Basilica.

Lubaga Stops SMACK Handover Kampala Archdiocese

According to insider sources, Aganyira had planned to hand over the school administration to Bro. Augustine Mugabo, the Headteacher of St. Henry’s College Kitovu (SHECK). Kampala Archdiocese, which is in charge of the Catholic Church’s interest in the school was reportedly not in the know.
Sep 4 results