

Jul 2023 4 results

MPs Probe URA Over UGX 125Bn Retention Without Authorization 1 3

Out of the 568 billion warranted, the Auditor General's report revealed that URA spent 443.79 billion only, resulting in an unspent balance of 125 billion, and yet, the unspent funds were not returned to the consolidated account which flouted the Public Finance Management Act.

Mbarara City Opens Website To Business Community For Advertisement 3

This initiative is a result of collaboration between Mbarara City authorities and the US Agency for International Development (USAID), aiming to upgrade the website and utilize it to generate additional revenue.

Nabilatuk Officials Irked by Delayed Works on District Road Nabilatuk district 3 1

In 2020, Uganda National Roads Authority contracted QubeRoot Construction Company Limited to murrum the 40-kilometer road at Shillings 5.7 billion. The project was expected to be completed in August 2021. However, three years down the road the constructor is yet to complete the works, something that has angered the district officials.

Eight Charcoal Dealers Remanded For Violating Charcoal Ban 1 1

They were charged with two counts of illegal transportation of forest produce contrary to sections 32 (1), (a), and sections 34 (1) & (2) of the National Forestry and Tree Planting Act 2003. The other charge is the illegal transportation and trade in Forest products (charcoal) contrary to Executive Order No 3 issued by President Yoweri Museveni on May 19 this year.
Jul 2023 4 results