

Feb 3 results

We are Ready To Evict Defiant Herdsmen-Army President Museveni 2 1

Maj. Turyamumanya notes that during this period, they are encouraging the cattle keepers who are unable to fence off their land and meet all their requirements to voluntarily leave or face forceful expulsion.

Acholi Leaders Halt Sale of Customary Land to "Balaalo" 1 5 Top story

The resolution by the leaders cancels all illegal sales of land to the cattle keepers and all land titles and leases illegally issued the "balaalo", in addition to instituting stringent measures to prevent easy land acquisition.

Eight Charcoal Dealers Remanded For Violating Charcoal Ban 1 1

They were charged with two counts of illegal transportation of forest produce contrary to sections 32 (1), (a), and sections 34 (1) & (2) of the National Forestry and Tree Planting Act 2003. The other charge is the illegal transportation and trade in Forest products (charcoal) contrary to Executive Order No 3 issued by President Yoweri Museveni on May 19 this year.
Feb 3 results