

Sep 2020 7 results

Isingiro Residents Protest Lack Of Power Supply lack of electricity 3 1

The affected residents are from the villages of Ishozi, Ngando, Biharwe, Mitooma, Kamutinda, Kyamburara, Rugando, Bushenyi, Kyanjungu, Kabare, Karerema and Kyakabindi.

Covid-19 Slows Uganda’s Progress on Poverty Alleviation 4 3

Okurut added that for SDGs on sustainable cities, life on land, peace and justice, Uganda’s performance is also stagnating at a rate of below 50% of the growth rate required to achieve the SDGs, partly because of the covid-19 pandemic.

Six Elephants Destroy One Thousand Hectares Of Crops In Agago stray elephants 1

Silvesto Asia Ali, one of the affected Farmers says he lost two hectares of Pumpkins to the stray elephants that invaded his farmland on Monday night. Some six elephants that reportedly strayed from Kidepo Valley National Park into community farmlands have been terrorizing farming communities in Luyita and Lujim parishes of Omiya Pachwa Sub county.

Gov't Orders Schools to Allow Pregnant Finalists Back to Class 3

According to the health ministry, finalists who are pregnant will now be allowed to attend classes and also sit for examinations when schools re-open.

Arua District Registers First Covid-19 Community Death Paul Bishop Drileba 1 2 Top story

The deceased in his sixties, has been a prominent businessman operating in Arua town and reportedly fell sick with flu and cough but was delayed at home, only to be rushed to Rhema private hospital later before he was referred to Arua hospital where he breathed his last.

Vendors in Kitgum Evicted from Market for Not Voting Chairperson's Preferred Candidate Central Division 2 1

Alice Lacwec and Kevin Alimocan all vendors at Tuma Atoo market in Central Division were reportedly evicted after results of the National Resistance Movement-NRM party primaries for division chairpersons were announced.

Gulu Task Force, Clinical School Disagree Over Relocation of COVID-19 Patients Ministry of Health 1 3

Grace Aninge, the Principal of the College says they want to use their space in both campuses to manage social distancing rules as a recommended standard operation procedure (SOP).
Sep 2020 7 results