Twaib Feni, the Executive Director of the West Nile Civil Society Network, said this year, they have given a month for the public to nominate candidates for the awards and will do more sensitization to ensure that the whole process is transparent and well understood.
Mathias Mangeni, Assistant District Health Officer for Namayingo, noted that teenage pregnancy in the Busoga sub-region stands at 26%. He emphasized that youth must be directly involved in tackling teenage pregnancy, rather than being excluded from the decision-making process.
Speaking at the launch of Uganda Breweries' Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) report for the year ending July 2024, Amongi underscored the urgent need for individuals and organizations to contribute to the global sustainability agenda.
Led by Asuman Lubega, a resident of Nabigasa sub-county in Kyotera district, the PAPs contend they were not properly served with notices of the government’s applications and were therefore unable to present their defenses.
Jimmy Anguyo, head of the Child and Family Protection Unit and Gender Focal Person at Arua Central Police, explained that the ordinance is a vital step for Arua City. He expressed optimism that it will facilitate resource mobilization and reduce domestic violence cases.