According to the circular, the deactivation of 4,149 employees from the public service payroll includes 2,967 employees who failed to attend the second round of the validation exercise, 15 employees suspected to be ghost workers, 557 employees who continued to receive salaries after retirement or resignation, 368 employees confirmed to have absconded but remained on the payroll, and 242 deceased officers whose records were still active after their deaths.
According to Patrick Onyango, the Kampala Metropolitan Police Spokesperson, the dispute arose when Ssemambo demanded sex, a request that Nantale rejected. The argument escalated, leading Nantale to injure Ssemambo’s private parts. It was reported that Ssemambo, in an attempt to defend himself, stabbed Nantale in the chin before the altercation was broken up.
According to data from the World Bank and UNICEF, approximately 16 percent of children in Uganda—around 2.5 million—live with some form of disability. However, only 5 percent of these children access education through inclusive learning, while 10 percent attend special schools.
Ambassador to Uganda, Jan Sadek said the European Union is a committed partner of Uganda and continues its support, to bring concrete benefits to ordinary Ugandans.
Baptist Latim the Chief of Pawol based in Gulu said the people of the north should desist from conflicting among themselves because culturally they are one people of the same descent.