

Feb 12 results

Security Forces Recover Three Guns in Karenga District Karamojong warriors 1

The security forces who were deployed in Napeikoroi grounds received intelligence about the suspected warriors possessing illegal firearms. They responded swiftly and recovered two submachine guns number K53 (01 rounds) and NK6899 (09 rounds) from Peter Lomojong and John Lokori respectively.

Four Sudanese Poachers Killed, Guns Recovered In Karenga 1 Top story

The operations were led following the intelligence that suspected ten South Sudanese National were spotted entering the park through the porous borders to hunt wild animals.

Notorious Warrior Surrenders Gun to Security 1 Top story

Longoli admitted to coordinating attacks in Karenga, Kotido, and Kaabong districts and disclosed sharing the gun with colleagues who are still at large, all from Kaabong district.

Insecurity Delays PDM Fund Disbursement in Karenga 2 1

Felix Lochale, the LC5 chairperson of Karenga district, highlighted how insecurity, particularly in areas with limited security presence, has severely impacted the PDM program. Parish chiefs are hesitant to access isolated villages to implement the program due to the heightened insecurity.

Karenga Wants Military Detachments Reinstated Karenga district 2 1

According to the security committee, the withdrawal of detachments from Sangar Sub County has resulted in a resurgence of insecurity in the district.

Warriors Turn Guns on Wildlife in Kidepo Park Karenga district 1 4

The security team has established that all the armed warriors who used to terrorize the districts of kaabong and kotido have crossed to karenga district where they are hiding in the game park. The warriors are now stealing people’s food and feed on wild meat before going for cattle raids.

Karenga Warriors Ignore Two Weeks Ultimatum To Return Illegal Firearms 1 5

Early last month, the district security committee gave the armed warriors up to two weeks to come out of the jungle and use the amnesty window to surrender illegal firearms in their possession. However, the time has elapsed without any single gun recovered and the security situation is worsening despite several security peace dialogues.

Karimojong Warriors Given Two Weeks Ultimatum to Surrender peace dialogues 1 3

Filbert Ocailap, the Karenga Resident District Commissioner said that the warriors have paid deaf ears to the amnesty program despite several calls. He observed that there has been a resurgence of insecurity for the last one month and this has frustrated service deliveries.

Suspected Karimojong Warriors Ambush Joint Security Forces in Karenga Two injured 1 Top story

Michael Longole, the Mt Moroto Regional police spokesperson, says that the officers from the joint security forces came under attack while on their way to apprehend the suspected warriors. The injured officers are Jamri Mulondo, 27, and James Omara, 36, both attached to Sangar ASTU detachment and Sangar UPDF detachment respectively.

Passenger Arrested with Ammunition in Karenga 1 1

According to Longole, the suspect is believed to have transported the Ammunition from Karenga District to Lolelia Sub County where he has been doing the trade.

Suspected Cattle Rustler in UPDF Uniform Gunned Down in Karenga Karenga district 1

According to Michael Longole, the Mt Moroto Regional Police Spokesperson, the security patrol team encountered the warrior, who was wearing a bed sheet and a shirt resembling a UPDF uniform, around 8:30 pm. Michael Longole, the Mt Moroto Regional Police Spokesperson told URN that the armed warrior properly camouflaged like a UPDF officer and the security team on patrol was so keen to identify him as a cattle rustler.

Karenga Donates Land for Police Station 2

Karenga District LC V Chairperson, Phillip Lochaale, says that they requested Lokori Sub County to identify and allocate land to the Uganda Police Force for the establishment of a police station in the area to boost security along the border.
Feb 12 results