The Chief Finance Officer (CFO) of Katakwi District, Moses Oonyu, stressed that the business community’s reluctance to pay taxes hinders progress. He urged businesses to comply, stating that development benefits Ugandans when taxes are paid.
In December 2024, the Kitgum District Council approved a plan by the District Executive Committee to identify approximately 1,000 acres of land within the district for resettlement.
Faced with declining external financing, the government has to make its priorities right to ensure that the available resources are optimally utilized, but fears are that this might hurt other sectors, especially social services and agriculture.
Michel Ssenoga, operating in Kira town, says lack of public toilets has forced some people in the municipality to resort to desperate means of disposing their waste like defecating in open areas, incomplete buildings and street corridors.
According to Local Government Act, the conditions for creation of municipality include the capacity to meet the cost of service delivery and office accommodation, existence of a physical development plan for land use, reliable water sources and reasonable financial base.
The Uganda National Roads Authority is finalizing works on MV Sigulu, the largest ferry in Uganda so far, which will connect Namayingo district to the islands of Sigulu and Dolwe. The ferry constructed by a Danish Johs Gram Hanssen –JGH Marine has a capacity to carry 300 passengers, and close to 20 vehicles. It can move at a speed of 14 kilometres per hour.
Researchers have criticized president Museveni government for hiding under Pentecostalism, gambling and leisure as a quick way to escape its responsibility of providing for the population and largely to the youth.
The Minister asked the local leaders to develop alternative plans of supplementing the funds they receive from government so as to extend social services to their communities.