Speaking to journalists in Kampala, Lumu said ever since he was granted leave of parliament last week to introduce the bill, he has been subjected to unwarranted attacks, particularly from the National Unity Platform, the current holder of the office of the leader of the opposition.
During the regional ULGA meeting on Friday in Nabilatuk district, local leaders in the Karamoja sub-region demanded recognition as an independent region to unify their communities and promote development.
The plantation has witnessed a series of fire outbreaks in the past years, which has affected its production. The company is reported to have lost Shillings 3 billion, according to Police annual crime report of 2020 following 2019 regular fire incidences. The December 2021, fire is projected to have caused the factory a loss of 3,000 of the 7,900 acre sugar plantations.
Laker Sharon Peace, the newly elected Speaker of the Institute, noted that many students have been robbed by thugs from their different rental places within the city. Female students have been the most affected, and keeping them in safe hostel facilities is the best solution.
“We have engaged the Ministry of Health and the answer they gave us is that now we have a result-based funding in place and Lacor should earn from that and you must do certain activities, have a certain quality to earn this money,” Ogwang told Uganda Radio Network in an interview.
Dr. Kenneth Cana, the Gulu District Health Officer told the Uganda Radio Network in an interview that the medical camp has exposed a number of neglected surgical conditions, which include goiter and hernia.
A baseline survey conducted by Tango Consultants across 19 Northern Uganda districts with support from UWEAL notes that although Shea butter and nuts are on high demand, the fact that they are seasonal and grow as wild trees makes the value chain is inconsistent.
The Operation Wealth Creation National Coordinator General Salim Saleh told Uganda Radio Network in an interview on Friday that the partnership seeks to address poverty in the North.
According to Layet, she was asked by management together with her colleague who returned with her child to find alternative accommodation. She told URN on Wednesday that she was struggling to find accommodation outside the College, which requires an additional 500,000 Shillings.
Dr. James Elima, the l Director Gulu Regional Referral Hospital, says they haven’t paid food suppliers for four months. He says the situation has forced them to suspend providing breakfast to patients and cut down on the meals from three to one each day.
Jimmy Patrick Okema, the Aswa River Regional Police Spokesperson says the restriction falls within the guidelines of COVID-19 established for political parties to follow while conducting activities.
Dr. Linda Zedriga Waru, the Deputy President for Northern Uganda says the office will help mobilize support for the party in the coming elections and will also give a permanent address for NUP and coordinate all its activities in the region.
In the petition dated June 18, the mayors propose to the minister that the transitional city council is comprised of district councilors in the new city area, and the transitional city executive be comprised of the municipality mayors and their executive members.
Uganda Prison's Service Spokesperson Frank Baine says that the newly constructed Kitalya Min Max Prison in Wakiso will be holding all suspects remanded from Kampala Metropolitan Area at this time. The facility which was built to hold inmates on longer sentences has been empty at the moment and is now seen as a perfect place of isolation.
Dennis Obbo, the Spokesperson of the Lands Ministry, says the Ministry decided to extend the working hours in response to concerns raised by their clients and local leaders.