

Feb 37 results

Former Buganda Road Court Magistrate Marion Mangeni Passes Away Judiciary 1 Top story

According to a statement issued by Sheilah Wamboga, the Judiciary's Principal Communications Officer, Mangeni died at Mengo Hospital on Wednesday evening. The statement described Mangeni as a dedicated professional who made significant contributions to the legal community, particularly in ensuring access to legal information.

Judiciary Annual Performance Report: Over 239,000 Cases Concluded Case Backlog 2 2

The Small Claims Procedure, rolled out to 203 courts, resulted in the completion of 23,567 cases and the recovery of claims valued at 17,993,850,733 billion shillings.

Fear No Law - Chief Justice Urges New Judges Judiciary Uganda 3

The CJ revealed plans to decentralize the Inspectorate of Court to enhance supervision, ensure judicial accountability, and combat corruption. Drawing an analogy from the Bible, Dollo emphasized the need for judicial officers to uphold their responsibilities transparently.

Judiciary Operationalizes Three New High Courts Jamson Karemani 1

Lady Justice Flavia Nabakooza was taken to the Land Division while the outgoing Judiciary Public Relations Officer, Justice Jamson Karemani deployed to Kiboga as the first Judge of the Circuit.

Buteera Tasks Court of Appeal, Supreme Court Judges on Team Work, Respect Judiciary Uganda 3

Speaking at the closure of the induction and retreat for judges of the Court of Appeal and Supreme Court on Friday, Buteera said that it was important that each of the judges took care of each other’s emotions as they went on with their work, even if disagreed.

Judiciary Launches Moroto High Court Circuit karamoja sub region 5 2 Top story

The Principal Judge, Justice Flavian Zeija, presided over the official launch and stated that daily hearings of cases will be conducted to reduce the backlog and ensure timely justice. Plans are also underway to establish a regional court, although this will depend on the region that provides land for premises to cut the costs of moving to Kampala for appeals.

Retired Justice Wilson Masalu Musene is Dead Judiciary 2

Justice Musene retired from active service in 2021 after clocking 65.

New Bail Guidelines Yet to Be Fully Implemented Judiciary 1 1

The Registrar of the High Court Criminal Division Festo Nsenga, says that the guidelines are still under test and he is hopeful that by June, they will know how the guidelines are progressing.

54 Trafficked Ugandans Died Abroad in 2022 - Police Judiciary 3 3

The Detective Assistant Inspector James Barya said most of those who died abroad were women and young men illegally taken out of the country with promises of getting well paying jobs.

Judiciary Operationalizes Six New High Court Circuits the judiciary

According to a statement released by the Judiciary on Sunday, these courts have been put in place due to the recent enhancement of the Judiciary that enabled them to appoint more judges. This deployment was made by the Principal Judge Dr. Flavian Zeija and took effect on September 18th, 2022.

Judiciary Seeks UGX 202B for Court Construction, Case Management 4 1

The construction of the Supreme Court building is expected to cost 10.9 billion Shillings while the regional appellant courts will altogether cost 14.2 billion Shillings. The money is also envisaged to cover the procurement of vehicles at a cost of 12.6 billion Shillings, case management and implementation of case back reduction strategy, which will take 29.4 billion Shillings and operational expenses at 30.9 billion.

Judiciary Starts Refunding Bail Cash Through Mobile Money Stanbic Bank 1 2

After ordering the refund through the interface the ministry shares with the bank, Bigirimana notes that he authorizes BoU to send it to Stanbic Bank with which they have a Memorandum of Understanding and it's the one that sends the refund to people's mobile money numbers which are supposed to be registered in the applicants real names.

Judiciary Pledges to Fast-track Cases After Budget Increment Jamson Karemani 1 2

According to the breakdown, Shillings 146.6billion is meant for the recruitment expenditure and facilitation of Judicial Staff, Shillings 9.4billion has been provided to kick-start the construction of the Courts of Appeal in Gulu and Mbarara, High Court Circuits in Luwero and Soroti.

Budget Committee Directs Minister Kasaija to Fund Judiciary 1 4 Top story

Minister Matia Kasaija on Monday appeared before the Committee to present the 3.48 trillion additional budget that has caused an increase of the proposed National Budget for the coming financial year 2021/2022 from 41.29 trillion initially presented by the Minister last week to 44.77 trillion.

Chief Justice, MPs Plot to Make Ugandans Feel the Judiciary Jacob Oboth-Oboth 3 2

On his part, the Chairperson of Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Committee Jacob Oboth-Oboth noted that there is need to appreciate that Judiciary is not a department or agency but instead another arm of government that should be felt by all Ugandans and their budget should be supported by Parliament.

Bigirimana Assures MPs that Owiny-Dollo vs Kisakye Fight is Being Handled Judiciary 1 2

The Permanent Secretary of the Judiciary Pius Birgirimana has assured members of Parliament that the Judiciary has a mechanism to handle any internal conflicts that may exist in the judiciary.

PAC Directs Judiciary to Account for UGX 20 Billion JLOS Funds 1 2

Audit documents before PAC indicate that out of the 20.74 Billion Shillings, indicate that 16.88 Billion was spent by the Judiciary on different activities some of which were disposing of cases in different courts, installing new courts, training of staff, procuring vehicles and others.

MPs Demand Sanctions Against Judges for Delayed Judgements Judiciary 1 4

This was during a Monday meeting with officials from the Judiciary led by the Permanent Secretary Pius Bigirimana. The team had appeared before the committee to respond to the Auditor General’s report for the financial year 2018/2019.

Judiciary’s Digital Case Tracking System Rollout Delayed by Two Months 1 2

The Judiciary Permanent Secretary Pius Bigirimana today told Parliament that the nine billion Shillings system also known as the Electronic Court Case Management Information System (ECMIS), is expected to help quicken filing of cases, track them throughout the trial and provide progress updates to relevant players.

Judiciary to Operationalize Luwero High Court 1

Erustus Kibirango, an advocate from Wetaka, Kibirango and Company welcomed the operationalization of the court saying many residents were spending extra costs to travel to Kampala to file cases in high courts.
Feb 37 results