

Sep 5 results

Rubaga North Lord Councilor Elect Finally Out on Bail James Mubiru 1

The Army Prosecutor Ambroz Guma told the court that he had instructions to leave the matter up to the court to make a decision.

Court Rejects Request to Hear Case of 74 NUP Supporters in Lockdown Anthony Wameli 1 2

Civil Division Judge Boniface Wamala on Wednesday rejected the request made by City Lawyer Geoffrey Turyamusiima requiring the court to hear the application during the lockdown.

Lawyer Demands Unconditional Release of Rubaga North Councilor James Mubiru Anthony Wameli 1 2

Mubiru was on March 22 2021 arraigned before the General Court Martial led by Lt General Andrew Gutti and charged with one offence under the Uganda People’s Defense Forces Act of 2005 of unauthorized wearing of a uniform.

Brig. Karemire Explains Re-Arrest of Kaweesi Murder Suspects Yoweri Museveni 1 1 Top story

Now, the Army Spokesperson, Brigadier Richard Karemire, says the suspects were picked up by Joint Security Forces and are locked up at a gazetted facility on allegations that they are peace violators. “Our people deserve peace and security forces will do whatever they can within the laws established to ensure that,” said Karemire.

Kaweesi Murder Suspects Re-Arrested After Being Released on Bail Luzira prison 3 Top story

The four were picked up together with their lawyer, James Mubiru shortly after being discharged by the Registrar of the International Crimes Division of High Court; Esther Nasambu following their bail release by Justice, Lydia Mugambe. Both uniformed and plain clothed security officers locked at the main gate of the court to block the suspects from leaving.
Sep 5 results