Ben Otim Ogwete, the Lira Chief Administrative Officer attributed the challenge to delays from the Ministry, saying the District has resources and is ready to recruit staff but they have not received given a green light to proceed.
In his ruling Justice Ajiji, states that the properties including guns, writing materials, furniture, vehicles and land that belonged to and were used by the Local Administration Police are now properties of the Uganda police in accordance with sections 67(1) A and C of the police Amendment Act 2006.
Sarah Ikwayo, a mother of eight and resident of the Kaberamaido district was married to the late Pius Enasu, a former Grade III teacher employed by Lira district until his death in 2010.
Paul Samuel Mbiiwa, the Deputy Chief Administrative Officer says that only heads of department will be allowed at the headquarters while the rest will remain and work from home. He adds that the restriction will help to curb the spread of the virus