Experts have held the first round of intensive discussions on the three hundred and seven amendments proposed by countries to this globally agreed instrument which sets out approaches and obligations for countries to prepare for, and respond to, disease outbreaks and other acute public health risks.
Mayanja disclosed that the Ministry is in the advanced stages of conducting field trials and seeking international accreditation at the proposed site in Nakyesasa village, Busukuma Sub-County in Wakiso District to manufacture both the anti-tick as well as Foot and Mouth Disease- FMD vaccines.
Dr. Aceng said that the daily target of vaccination in Teso is 157, 200 people but all the nine districts and city vaccinated only 44,828 people on Monday. Kumi district registered the highest number of with 10,800 people followed by Bukedea, 9,245 and Katakwi 6,423.
Dr Alfred Driwale, the Assistant Commissioner in charge of Vaccines and Immunization at the Ministry of Health says that the mass vaccination of people in Teso and Lango will start Monday, November 8, 2021, and will run for seven days.
Dr. Wilson Etolu, the COVID-19 Focal Point Person at the hospital says that all the patients admitted at CTU are not vaccinated against the coronavirus. He explains that Soroti district/ city is currently the hotspot of the deadly virus followed by Ngora, Serere, Kumi, Amuria and Katakwi districts. Before Soroti district/city, Kumi was the hotspot of the virus.
Dr. Wilson Etolu, the COVID-19 Focal Point Person at Soroti Regional Referral Hospital, says that they arrived at the decision following the poor turn up of people for the vaccination exercise.
Kitgum District was allocated 407 million Shillings in July to facilitate the work of the taskforce and implement interventions for the control of Covid-19. The funding would cover expenses on case management, surveillance, communication and risk, among others.
According to Dr. Adakun, 33 percent of the COVID-19 patients are the elderly with severe disease. He revealed that the region had 8,433 COVID-19 contacts as of Friday, September 10, 2021.
Katusiime asked parliament to reconsider the different taxes, fees and licenses in the sector to enable it to recover from the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. She said that the waivers will enable the sector to recover faster.
At Soroti Regional Referral Hospital, Dr Wilson Etolu, the COVID-19 Focal Point Person at the hospital told the MPs that the health workers are demoralized by the deductions on their allowances. Etolu also said that the frontline workers delay receiving the allowances.
In Serere district, some of the people who test positive to the deadly virus are locked up in their houses by neighbours to prevent them from mixing up with other members of the community.
Okiswa notes that the death of a COVID-19 patient at the private health facility has reawakened the team to monitor the activities and services offered to the community.
Intensive care units (ICU) provide critical care and life support for acutely ill and injured patients. With the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, the units are used to handle severe cases of the disease, mostly persons with breathing complications due to organ failure, one of the side effects of the disease.
In the guidelines, no new visitors will be allowed in the villages until the lockdown is lifted by the President. The leaders have also banned the use of public address systems, cooking of food and large gatherings at burials.
Edulu had been placed under home-based care management which required him to remain in quarantine at home for at least 14 days while receiving treatment. But Edulu is reported to have ignored the health restrictions and decided to openly preach in the city centre, at a rally that had brought crowds in one place.
Kitgum District health department received 3,120 doses of AstraZeneca vaccines from the Health Ministry in March this year. However available statistics show that only 1,066 doses of the vaccines have been used representing only 34.2 percent of the total vaccines released to five health facilities in the district.
Since the district launched COVID-19 vaccination on March 18th, only 32 people have been vaccinated. Nabilatuk received 1,100 doses of the vaccines in the first phase. But only 19 out of 66 health workers have been vaccinated whiles 13 others are frontline workers like the support staff, teachers and soldiers.
Close to 80 percent of non-essential staff at the district headquarters and sub-counties were advised to work from home in a directive issued by Chief Administrative Officer Martin Jacan Gwokto in August last year.