Gloria Sebikari, the Manager of Corporate Affairs at the Petroleum Authority (PAU) explains that the workforce expansion aligns with the broader commitment to maximize local employment in Uganda’s Oil and gas sector, especially during the construction phase.
Government in January 2023 with funding from the World Bank under the intergovernmental fiscal transfer (UgIFT) program commissioned the construction of Kijunjubwa Seed school at a tune of shillings 3.3 billion. The contract was awarded to CMD Investments limited.
Dr. Nelson Naisye, the Buliisa District Health Officer-DHO told URN in an interview that the construction works for the health facility have commenced and are expected to be completed within six months.
The first phase of the project is expected to take 12 months. The medical school will comprise the museum labs, mortuary, meeting rooms, resource Centre, lecture rooms, administrative offices and freezers for bodies among other amenities.