

Feb 4 results

Parliament to Improve Turnaround Time of Auditor General's Reports Audit report 1

The Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Thomas Tayebwa has said that the Business Committee Parliament will discuss a strategy to effectively handle reports of the Auditor General within the Accountability Committees.

Uganda’s External Debt Increases to UGX 54.3 Trillion–Audit Report 1 1

The latest report by the Auditor General has indicated an increase in Uganda’s external debt by 2.2 percent, from 53.19 trillion to 54.37 trillion Shillings.

Medical Supplies Worth UGX 316 Bn Destroyed Last Year – Auditor General Audit report 3 1

The Auditor General, Edward Akol, has reported that the government wrote off 316.65 billion Shillings worth of Covid-19 vaccines, ARVs, and test kits last financial year.

Entebbe Hospital Defends Undeclared UGX 736m Donor Funds Audit report 1

The audit report highlights 734.6 million Shillings undeclared donor funds, failure to collect 1 billion in Local revenue and others queries. “I noted that Entebbe Regional Referral Hospital received off-budget financing to a tune of 734.66 million directly from donors for undertaking activities which was never declared to the Secretary to Treasury, and as such, no supplementary appropriation was issued,” says Auditor General John Muwanga.
Feb 4 results