Edinah Mukarwiza, the chairperson Kabarole district Health, Education and Sports Committee, says Dr. Tugumisirize is ill-mannered and despises the local authorities whenever they try to assess the hospital and its operations.
According to medics, when there are less than 50 copies of HIVs genetic material per millilitre of blood, a persons viral load is said to be undetectable. This means the virus has been suppressed to a level where a person can live a healthy life and is much less likely to transmit the virus.
Dr Ronald Dhirumuka, an ophthalmologist at Fort Portal Referral Hospital says the exercise was aimed at operating and treating eye patients to prevent blindness and loss of vision. He explains that 65 patients who were treated from Ntoroko, Kyegegwa and Kamwenge had used traditional herbs prior to treatment due to lack of eye services in the districts.
Medical workers at Fort Portal Regional Referral Hospital are demanding for the establishment of a sickle cell clinic to manage the disease especially among infants. The call follows records at the childrens ward which indicate that 40 percent of children under the age of five years who are admitted at the facility have sickle cell disease.
Grace Rubaale, the Senior Hospital Administrator says that the oxygen plant will be produce 15 cubic metres of oxygen per hour. She says that starting next month; the plant will be able to expand oxygen supply to hospitals and health centre IVs in the districts of Bundibugyo, Ntoroko, Kyegegwa Kamwenge and Kyenjojo.
Grace Rubaale, the Principal Administrator Fort Portal Regional Referral Hospital, says the innovation is aimed at regularizing staff attendance of at the hospital. Rubaale explains that in the past they were using a register, which was often abused.
Godliva Twinomujuni, the Officer in-charge Criminal Investigations Department at Fort Portal Police Station, says that the drugs were allegedly stolen from the hospital by Moses Bisereko, a mortuary attendant. She explains that Bisereko was taking the drugs to Bwera in Kasese district to be sold.
Onesmus Matende Kushemererwa has been impersonating as Wilson Bamuturaki since 1984. It is said that the original Bamuturaki, a former resident of Mabale Parish in Kyenjojo district passed away in 1982.
Records from the district health department indicate that there are four pediatricians in Kabarole district. Two at Fort Portal Regional Referral Hospital and the rest are attached to Bukuku and Kibiito Health Centre IIIs.
The unit receives hundreds of accident victims some of whom have sustained serious spinal injuries while others are paralyzed. But the unit does not have the required appliances needed to treat injuries on the back, neck and the waist. It also lacks artificial limbs for people who may need them.
Dr. Charles Olal, the Director Fort Portal Regional Referral Hospital says that the hospital has in the past lost anti-retrovirals ARVs and Coartem, which affected service delivery to patients.
A 2014 report by the National TB and Leprosy control program shows that 1,040 multi-drug resistant TB cases are expected each year in Uganda and the cost of treating one such patient is 9.1 Million Shillings.