Michael Odur, the Fort Portal Regional Referral Hospital Principal Hospital Administrator said that 1.7 billion Shillings is required to fill several vacant positions of specialists needed at the hospital.
The prosecutors, led by Captain Ambroz Guma, claimed that the court is impartial and independent, and that the offenses related to security are clearly defined under the UPDF Act.
It is alleged that on Sunday, the suspect while in Kidodo cell, Kasese municipality was arrested and found in possession of a forged UPDF identity card and one round of live ammunition for an AK 47 riffle.
The Ministry of Local Government is seeking a total of 65.2 billion Shillings to enhance service delivery and improve the efficiency of local government leaders in monitoring government programs.
Pellegrino Ssenozi, the Lwengo District Council Speaker also a Councilor representing Kyazanga sub county indicates, that they have requested the IGG to conduct a special inquest into contracts for the construction of community micro-irrigation projects worth 2 billion shillings.
“I have forgiven Gen. Elwelu but warned him; I have already reported the matter to His Excellency the President and relevant authorities regarding his conduct,” Emorimor noted.
Alfred Omony, the Kitgum District Fisheries Officer and Production Officer attributed the shortage to the devastating effects of climate change, which have disrupted fish farming operations.
The project is supported by the Italian government through the Karamoja Infrastructure Development Project II (KIDP II). Works are expected to be completed in eighteen months.
Moyo District Sports Officer Wilson Edema shared in an interview with Uganda Radio Network that they aim for each group member to contribute at least UGX 5,000. Edema also plans to engage local leaders across 250 villages to collect a minimum contribution of UGX 5,000 per household to bolster the initiative.
This follows the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development decision to approve UNOC’s application for the renewal of the Kasuruban Contract Area (KSCA) exploration license earlier this month, for an additional two years.
Ninsiima who has since reported Waggama at Entebbe police station said she later noticed her daughter was happy and becoming weak every day. She decided to ask her daughter what was happening and she revealed that her stepfather has been forcefully engaging her in sexual acts whenever he forced the mother to sleep outside.
Oryem explained that Uganda’s decision to align with BRICS — a bloc comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa — was driven by the need to protect the country from unilateral sanctions imposed by the United States and the European Union.
In his ruling, Brig. Mugabe stated that the UPDF Act grants the Court Martial jurisdiction over offenses committed both in Uganda and abroad. He dismissed the objections, ruling that the accused must take a plea.
For the past ten years, the government has been promising vendors and leaders that it would construct a modern market, but to date, nothing has been done.