Mr Peter Ndomugyenyi the team leader of State House Anti-corruption Unit said they will come back to the district, adding that many projects which are being accounted for on paper do not exist.
The cattle markets have been linked to the spate of raids as rustlers steal cows and immediately load them on trucks for transportation out of Karamoja, a trend which, according to Micheal Longole, the Mt Moroto Regional Police Spokesperson frustrates the recovery of stolen animals.
Prior to the mob action against them, the suspects led by Tony Mukasa handed over purported magic sticks to three residents with promises of making miracle money under the palm of their hands. They then claimed the sticks had dissolved into their victims' bodies and could cause death.
Initial reports indicate that Ricky Okello, who was deployed at the Bank of Baroda Lira branch was taking duty from his colleague David Jangole when his gun released bullets that shot two people along Oyam road.
Dr Jane Egau, the Director of Higher, Technical, Vocational Education and Training, notes that although domestic public funding for education has been growing, the percentage of spending on education has been steadily declining.
Lama Makaka, one of the residents whose land was cleared says they signed an agreement with NOPP committing willingness to sell part of the land but not authorizing them to use the entire piece.
Boniface Okuonzi, a resident of Ajia sub-county says that often, patients have been left stranded and sometimes turned away while seeking treatment at the health facilities due to the absence of the workers.
Abiaz Rwamwiri, the authority’s Public Relations Officer told URN that a total of 80 outlets were inspected during the operation. They include three pharmacies, 49 human drug shops, two veterinary drug shops and 24 clinics.
“Never drive when you are tired," Nampiima said. "If you feel tired park the car. There is no energy drink that can fight sleep. Don’t test God. You sleep and sleep to the mortuary and then to the grave. We don’t want to lose people. If you are fatigued and tired, please park the car.”
At the beginning of this month, Napoli owner and president Aurelio de Laurentiis announced a controversial ban on the Italian Serie A club signing African players. The Chief said his club will no longer sign African players unless they sign a waiver confirming they will not play in the African Cup of Nations.
In 2017 elections, an IEBC Official Christopher Msando went missing and was found two days latter tortured and strangled to death in the capital Nairobi.
Jillian Akullo argued that the contractor did not only use weak materials but also did not follow the project design. She cited the fixed doors without glasses, no water pass way in the bathrooms, and weak slabs used in the latrines as challenges that have to be fixed before the project hand over.
While handing down the sentence, His Worship Nabende said that the convicts held public offices in a senior capacity and as such, their responsibilities in those offices required integrity but they abused it. He further described their actions as premeditated and that they gravely affected the public trust entrusted to them.