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Minister Moriku Kadducu and the new University Chancellor, Dr. Crispus Kiyonga (at the back), during the academic procession at Makerere University
The week-long 75th graduation
ceremony at Makerere University will celebrate the remarkable achievements of
13,658 graduands. Among them, 143 will receive PhDs, 1,813 will graduate with
Master’s degrees, 11,454 will earn Bachelor’s degrees, and 243 will be awarded
postgraduate diplomas.
Noteworthy in this year's cohort
is the achievement of 491 graduands receiving First Class degrees, a testament
to the university's emphasis on academic excellence. In a significant step
forward, 53%
of the graduands are femaleand47% are male, with 44% of the PhD graduates
being women.
The ceremony marks a proud
moment for Makerere University as it continues to nurture top-tier
professionals across diverse fields. The ongoing celebrations are set to
highlight not only the accomplishments of these graduates but also the
institution’s role in shaping the future through education and leadership.