
Bank staff Arrested over Fake MAK Transcript

UBA authorities took Kasibantes academic transcript to Makerere University for verification but his registration number 07/U/3826/EVE couldnt be traced in the system. The university decided to file a case of forgery and impersonation at Makerere Uinversity police, which was recorded under SD 12/27/01/17.
ASP Denis Nyanzi Kasibante the Makerere University OC station
Makerere University Police are investigating a former staff of United Bank of Africa accused of forging academic transcripts of Makerere University Business School-MUBS. The suspect is Godfrey Moses Kasibante, the former Risk Officer at United Bank of Africa.

Kasibante was picked up on Friday last week from the Senate building for allegedly forging academic transcripts of Makerere University Business School-MUBS showing that he is a graduate of Bachelor of Business Administration. He recorded a statement at Makerere University Police and was released on police bond.

Police swung into action on a tip off from Makerere University Academic Registrar, Alfred Masikye Namoah.  Before joining UBA as a Risk Officer six months ago, Kasibante worked at New Vision. According to information obtained by URN from Makerere University Police, UBA asked staff to submit their full academic papers for confirmation of employment.

As a result, the bank authorities took Kasibante's academic transcript to Makerere University for verification but his registration number 07/U/3826/EVE couldn't be traced in the system. The university decided to file a case of forgery and impersonation at Makerere University police, which was recorded under SD 12/27/01/17.

"On Friday we were alerted by the academic registrar that this man was claiming to have rightfully attained qualifications from MUBS. The bank had come with him to verify his papers and they found he had fake documents. We arrested the man and he has confirmed that there is someone who made for him the transcript. We are now investigating the matter to establish the details," said Denis Kasibante, the Officer in Charge of Makerere University Police.

Adding that; "We are left with recording statements from the human resource manager of the bank and the academic registrar to conclude the file and proceed to court. Only that the academic registrar has not yet found time to record his statement. But we are still pursuing him because we cannot conclude the file without the statements."

The accused couldn't be traced by URN for a comment on the matter. 

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