
Kabarole Population Officer Wanted for Forgery

Moses Winyi, the Kabarole district population officer, is wanted for alleged forgery and impersonation.

Winyi who is currently on the run, is accused of forging a second Class bachelor’s degree from Makerere University, to get a job as population officer in the district.

His troubles started way back on August 3rd 2010, when the then LC V chairman, Micheal Mugisa, wrote to the Academic Registrar asking him to verify Winyi’s transcript.

The demand for the verification stemmed from the numerous public queries about the authenticity of Winyi’s academic papers.

A verification letter signed by Alfred Masikye Namoah, the Academic Registrar Makerere indicate that Winyi Moses was admitted and registered for the bachelor of science Programme in the 1995/1996 Academic year, under Reg.No.95/1497.

He completed the programme and was awarded a Bachelor of Science pass degree on 15th January 1999. He dismissed Winyi’s current claim over a Second Class Honours Degree as a sham.

The Academic Registrar says that there is sufficient evidence to show that the Transcript sent to Makerere University for verification, is a forged one and was not issued by the University.

The district reported the forgery to the police and office of the Inspector General of Government IGG for investigations.

The IGG’s office in Fort Portal, says that investigations into Winyi’s case are complete and his file has been transferred to Kampala for further inquiries.

If arrested, Winyi faces seven years imprisonment for forgery and impersonation. He will also be asked to refund all the salary he has been earning for the period he has been holding his post.


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